Revenue Funding Model for Summer Session

Global Campus is responsible for processing the Summer Session tuition revenue payouts for the Global, Pullman, and Spokane campus enrollments. The tuition revenue, less the applicable campus’s S&A fees, is posted into a Global Campus program in Workday and then distributed based on the per Average Annual Full Time Enrollment (AAFTE) to the college or campus that paid for the course instruction.

Distribution Rate – $7,200/AAFTE

Effective Summer 2024, the Summer Session payout rate for applicable enrollments on the Global, Pullman, and Spokane campuses will increase from a flat rate of $6,625/AAFTE to $7,200/AAFTE. This adjustment is being made as a result of increased tuition rates.

Break Even Templates

Tuition Revenue Distribution Reports

College/Campus Distribution reports are prepared by Global Campus based on end of term census snapshot enrollments for Global, Pullman, and Spokane and the sent out for review prior to processing distributions.

  • Reports are ran in my.WSU, for student and course enrollment data, and Workday, for instructor position and funding data, after tenth day CENSUS and CENEOT numbers are available (this is typically around the third week of September). These reports are used to prepare the Summer Session Payout Report to determine the distribution to each college or campus.
  • Global Campus processes the operating transfers in Workday to transfer the revenue to the colleges and campuses after review by the receiving area.
    • Each college/campus should ensure they have a Summer Session account to transfer the revenue into with the following worktags:
      • FD026 – Dedicated Local Accounts
      • FN074 – Summer Session